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Effects of Sm2O3 and Y2O3 on the Structure and Properties of Corundum-mullite Porous Ceramics

WU Jianfeng, SANG Yu, XU Xiaohong, ZHOU Yang, DING Chunjiang, ZHOU Shixiang

(State Key Laboratory of Silicate Materials for Architectures, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China)

Abstract: Corundum-mullite porous ceramics with large pore size and high closed pores were prepared, with α-Al2O3, quartz and Suzhou clay as the main raw materials. Polystyrene balls were used as the pore forming agent, Y2O3and Sm2O3 were employed as the auxiliary agents. The effects of Y2O3 and Sm2Oon structure and properties of the corundum-mullite porous ceramics were studied, by using SEM, XRD and so on. The addition of Sm2Oand Y2O3 reduced open porosity and increased closed porosity of the samples, respectively. The samples with both Sm2O3 and Y2O3 possessed the lowest porosity and the highest closed porosity, which were 20.03% and 52.80%, respectively. According to XRD results, the major phases in all the samples were corundum and mullite. Stereomicroscope and SEM images revealed that the optimal samples were all evenly distributed with large and small pores. The presence of Sm2O3 and Y2Opromoted the formation of liquid phase at high temperatures and inhibited the formation of mullite. The glassy phase filled the connecting pores and only tiny closed pores were formed independently, thus increasing the closed porosity of the samples.

Key words: porous ceramics; closed porosity; microstructure; rare earth oxides

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