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Progress in Sintering Technology and Applications of Silicon Nitride Ceramics

QIN Xiaowei 1, 2, XIE Zhipeng 2, YAO Yidan 3, LEI Huicong 1, 2, FAN Binbin 1, 2

(1. Jingdezhen Ceramic University, Jingdezhen 333043, Jiangxi, China; 2. School of Materials, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 3. Tiantong Jicheng Mechanic Technology Limited Company, Jiaxing 314400, Zhejiang, China)

Abstract: Silicon nitride ceramics have become the most promising advanced ceramic materials, because of their excellent mechanical, thermal and biological properties. The key sintering technologies of silicon nitride ceramics are discussed, while the principle, advantages and disadvantages of various sintering technologies are analyzed. With considering the latest development of silicon nitride ceramic materials, their latest applications, as high strength and toughness structural ceramics, high thermal conductivity and wave permeability ceramics, and good biocompatibility of bioceramics in aerospace, national defense, semiconductor packaging, biomedicine and other fields, are reviewed.

Key words: silicon nitride; sintering technology; densification; mechanical properties; engineering application

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